Not a outfit post today, sorry if I fooled you guys. I thought that it is about time open up a little bit today about my personal life. I share a lot of things about me and my thoughts on my blog and social media, but most of the time it's fashion related.
For those who have been sticking around for a while, you've probably noticed that I have mentioned 'being sick' or something similar in a few of my blogpost.. I'm really thankful for every single one of you who reads my blog so I feel like I owe you guys a proper explanation about my regular absence. Now, don't freak out! I'm not suffering from a severe illness, but it's not really cupcakes and rainbows either.
Chronic headaches, have you ever heard of it? I think you all suffer from a headache so now and then, which is probably a pain in the ass, now imagine you have that for every single day of a year. It kinda feels like I'm wearing a cap all day that's way too tight. I'm not sure when it exactly started, but I was around a age of twelve or thirteen, and one day the pain just didn't go away and I'm waking up with it ever since. I've got the worst version of it, so my doctors say. Honestly I can't even remember the last day without a headache; there are periods when I feel very little of it or for a short amount of time, and sometimes it just drives me totally crazy; less sleep, bad mood, no concentration, fatigue, it's all part of the package.
No medicine, no cure.
So, this is actually the main reason for the regular silence on my blog. In times of stress or when I get sick, the pain just tend to get more worse than that it already is and I end up spending all my free time in bed. My boyfriend lives on the other side of the country for his study at the moment (not that the Netherlands is big, but still 3 hours driving) so we only have one day a week to shoot pictures, and things simply don't always go the way we want them to. Non-matching working schedules, bad weather and in my case.. also a lot of headaches.
I hope that you all understand my situation now. Please don't think that I'm lazy or whatever, I love my blog and the fact that so many of you enjoy reading it makes me such a happy girl. I really wish I could post every day of a week!!! I know that there are things in the world that are way worse that having a chronic headache, but this is my own little wall I'm walking against in my life. Hopefully I'll find a way to break it, or to walk around :)

so good, and BIG GIVEAWAY on my blog->
Nice jacket you are wearing!
magic jacket !! ;>>>
ReplyDeletei invite to me too
nice post!
ReplyDeleteNew look on my blog!
Hope everything gets better! <3 U!!!
Heel mooi in zwart en wit! x
stunning photo, hope you feel better soon. i know how you feel!
ReplyDeleteRachel x
Style Soup
nice jacket!
ReplyDeleteNice casual look :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photo!
i am a new follower and i absolutely understand you..and if you are sick you are the most important thing is that you feel good :) i always wait for your posts :)
ReplyDeleteAwh, wat naar van je hoofdpijn zeg! Dat lijkt me heel vervelend. Totaal begrijpelijk dat je niet zo vaak kan posten dan hoor!
ReplyDeleteHele mooie outfit en foto trouwens :)
Wow, thanks for sharing your struggle with chronic headaches. It can be so debilitating and a huge disruption to normal daily life. Being an optometrist, I've seen it first hand. I'm sure your doctors are on top of it all with MRI scans to rule out other major causes originating in the brain. Wish you the best and you are an inspirational blogger. Love seeing your posts whenever you put up new looks!
I have been following you for a while now and I'm so sad to hear that you are struggling with this. I usually get headaches when I undergo stress and they started when I was 11 and my dad was hospitalized. For me it's not like a tight cap, but more like a ball behind my forehead pulling nerves from my temples. I hope everything falls into place soon with your boyfriend as well and you guys can spend more time together. I understand not having someone to take your photos as well. I'm currently undergoing the same deal. Stay strong because you are awesome! ^^
ReplyDeleteChronic headaches? Oh my God, that's horrible! :(
ReplyDeleteChronisch (ziekte ) is zeker heel erg ! ik heb het ook ... dus hopelijk op eens dag hebt je geen hoofdpijn meer ...
ReplyDeleteJouw blog is perfect , we houden veel van GEEN ZORGEN Meid !
That sounds horrible :( Hope you get well soon, dear!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes from Belgium,
Sorry to hear this! Hoping that you are able to find a way to cope with the stress and by-products of your headaches. Your blog is so creative and inspiring but at the same time you have to take care of yourself above all else. We're all rooting for you!
Oh babe, hoofdpijn is vreselijk en om dat elke dag te moeten meedragen.. Respect!
ReplyDeleteNatuurlijk begrijpen we (of de meesten toch) dat je er niets kan aan doen en dat je NIET lui bent!
Echt heel veel respect voor je lieverd!
PS : wat een kutreacties hierboven zeg, kunnen ze op z'n minst de moeite doen om IETS te lezen?! (Sorry voor m'n taalgebruik maar als het over gezondheid gaat, dan 'knapt' er iets in mij)
xo Lyn
I am worried. Why won't the headaches go? Please see a good doctor. Please take care.
ReplyDeleteJenny’s Bicycle-Indian Fashion Blog!!
i'll keep you in my thoughts! i hope you feel better soon
ReplyDeletexo, Liz
Thank you for sharing you personal struggle... I can't imagine what you are going through, since in my opinion a headache is the worst kind of pain & it must be extremely difficult for you to work while all you need is to stay in bed & hope it goes away... I hope you feel better soon!!! I really enjoy your blog & fashion posts...
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!!!
xoxo Violeta, your Shoegal Out In The World
Uuuugh some people don't even read!!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about your health and I hope you can find ways to cope with it.
I know a very good doctor that does mesotherapie and homeopathy in Driebergen Zeist.
He has helped me with some of my health issues like anxiety and a very severe burnout in the past!
This is his website:
His care is all completly covered by health care too.
Maybe if you can not post more outfits then just once a week, you can post other things too, like your favorite trends, restaurants, make up tips!
it's just a thought.
Feel better!
xoxo Tamara Chloé
I suffered from chronic headaches too, until I gradually stopped taking any painkillers. They have completely disappeared now. Hope this will help you!
Hi Levi,
ReplyDeleteIk kom niet ontzettend vaak op je blog maar lees en bekijk het altijd met veel plezier.
Wat ontzettend rot om te lezen dat je last hebt van chronische koppijn :( Ik heb zelf al twee winters achter elkaar zo'n 2 maanden lang elke dag hoofdpijn gehad en dat was vreselijk. Veel mensen snappen helaas niet dat hoofdpijn je gehele functioneren kan beïnvloeden...
Ik hoop heel erg voor je dat je iets vind om de pijn te verminderen. Misschien yoga? Ik weet natuurlijk niet wat je allemaal al geprobeerd hebt (waarschijnlijk zo goed als alles).
Beterschap in ieder geval en blijf die rust voor jezelf pakken.
Ik blijf in ieder geval met veel plezier je blog lezen.
Fijne avond verder, xxx Saranda
Sarandipity, Fashion & Lifestyle blog
Wow, never knew this back story at all. Thanks for sharing! I personally think that quality>quantity, and I followed this blog precisely because the quality of the photos/outfits is amazing. I don't mind that the posts are infrequent, not at all! Its MUCH BETTER than posting often but having sub-standard content. So I just wanted to assure you that not to worry, your readers will remain loyal as long as you guys keep up the good work on this blog :)
OMG ! I just read this and it's really impressive the great work that you having developed here.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
Honestly I understand you, I've something similar that combined with my studies (Chemical Engineering) sometimes I'm feeling crazy or worst: panic attacks.
I love your blog and your social networks.
Keep with the nice work ;) and be strong !