Not a outfit post today, sorry if I fooled you guys. I thought that it is about time open up a little bit today about my personal life. I share a lot of things about me and my thoughts on my blog and social media, but most of the time it's fashion related.
For those who have been sticking around for a while, you've probably noticed that I have mentioned 'being sick' or something similar in a few of my blogpost.. I'm really thankful for every single one of you who reads my blog so I feel like I owe you guys a proper explanation about my regular absence. Now, don't freak out! I'm not suffering from a severe illness, but it's not really cupcakes and rainbows either.
Chronic headaches, have you ever heard of it? I think you all suffer from a headache so now and then, which is probably a pain in the ass, now imagine you have that for every single day of a year. It kinda feels like I'm wearing a cap all day that's way too tight. I'm not sure when it exactly started, but I was around a age of twelve or thirteen, and one day the pain just didn't go away and I'm waking up with it ever since. I've got the worst version of it, so my doctors say. Honestly I can't even remember the last day without a headache; there are periods when I feel very little of it or for a short amount of time, and sometimes it just drives me totally crazy; less sleep, bad mood, no concentration, fatigue, it's all part of the package.
No medicine, no cure.
So, this is actually the main reason for the regular silence on my blog. In times of stress or when I get sick, the pain just tend to get more worse than that it already is and I end up spending all my free time in bed. My boyfriend lives on the other side of the country for his study at the moment (not that the Netherlands is big, but still 3 hours driving) so we only have one day a week to shoot pictures, and things simply don't always go the way we want them to. Non-matching working schedules, bad weather and in my case.. also a lot of headaches.
I hope that you all understand my situation now. Please don't think that I'm lazy or whatever, I love my blog and the fact that so many of you enjoy reading it makes me such a happy girl. I really wish I could post every day of a week!!! I know that there are things in the world that are way worse that having a chronic headache, but this is my own little wall I'm walking against in my life. Hopefully I'll find a way to break it, or to walk around :)
Archive for March 2014
Yay, the sun was out - for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.. Well at least we could quickly shoot a outfit. I've been living in these Stan Smits lately as you might have noticed! I know it's sort off a no-go for us bloggers to wear the same things over and over again but these are just way too comfortable believe me! Happy weekend everyone :)
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Stripes and more stripes! Sometimes I just can't get enough of it and just like the leather jacket, stripes are definitely wardrobe essentials for every girl on this planet! Spring is in the air and I could even go bare legged again the other day. Tights are and never have been my thing, so I usually go for jeans and other pants when it's getting cold. What about you? :)
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Do you ever have those days, when you just want to spend all day in your pj's? Well, last Sunday was one of those days. Loose trousers, oversized shirt and a pair of comfy shoes; maybe not literally a pyjama, but it sure felt like one! I've been seeing these editorals on tumblr of models wearing oversized coats and boy-ish clothes and I kinda got inspired by it. What do you think about todays ensemble?
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We can never have enough leather jackets, right girls!? I certainly can never have enough. I think everyone should have at least one in their closet, it's such a timeless garment and there are hundreds of ways to style it. I try to get a new one every season, not that I don't like my Antik Batik version anymore (remember that one?) but now I can variate a little bit!
Happy weekend everyone! :)
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My lovely Dutchies, I think we all did a happiness jump for the amazing weather the past few days. I certainly did! My boyfriend and I went out yesterday to shoot a bunch of new outfits, under a bright sunny sky! Jeez, can't believe how long ago that was. It's funny how a weather change can have such an influence on my mood. It kind of adds a little bit more happiness to my life =) Not that I'm emo all the way when the weather is bad, but you know what I mean right?!
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I literally live in these Stan Smiths lately. Really, I even carry them with me in case my feet get tired after a long day of walking in other shoes and I just simply switch them. I remember that everyone used to have a pair of them or superstars when I was around twelve of thirteen. Good times, great shoes and such a waste that I've thrown my pair away because I thought they were not cool anymore! Unfortunately no treasure from the past for me, but I'm happy that they're back in stores again :-)
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